Dawn of new era....


Such a hectic Week!!!

Had a busy and stressful week!!! Just now finish my pharmacology. I could see the tension and stressful expression on my friend's face while answering on computer test. Alhamdulillah, i got no problem with the computer test and written test. Now i got time to prepare for next week motivational talk, "Hakikat Kejadian Manusia".

But one incident struck my mind. It happen last tuesday, It was my microbiology test. I had done my best preparing for exam memorizing all the microbe's characteristic. While waiting for my turn to answer, a lot of things went through my mind, ecspecially about my schedule for next week. When i got the list of question, i could not believe my eyes. The question consist of my last preparation before the exam. Alhamdulillah, I manage to answer all the question and got a good mark for the exam.

Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman, kalau kamu membela (ugama) Allah nescaya Allah membela kamu (untuk mencapai kemenangan) dan meneguhkan tapak pendirian kamu

(Pengikut-pengikut Nabi Musa merayu, lalu) Musa berkata kepada kaumnya: "Mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah dan bersabarlah, Sesungguhnya bumi ini kepunyaan Allah, diwariskannya kepada sesiapa Yang dikehendakiNya dari hamba-hambaNya; dan kesudahan Yang baik adalah bagi orang-orang Yang bertaqwa".


Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa Yang dikehendakiNya, dan ia juga Yang menyempitkannya. dan mereka (yang ingkar): bergembira Dengan kehidupan dunia, sedang kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain, hanyalah kesenangan Yang kecil dan tidak kekal berbanding Dengan kesenangan hari akhirat.

(Ar Ra'ad:26)


Do your best to excel in life, and you will receive help from Allah. BUT, in one condition: Each of your action and aims must be only towards ALLAH. And the greatest reward for a true muslim is heaven.

posted by 1412 at 10:00


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